RF Military Protection

Military RF Protection

The management team at UniTech RF Services has comprehensive experience with protection of military equipment in electromagnetic radiation environments.

UniTech RF Services cooperates with a variety of military testing facilities. This collaboration allows UniTech to optimize products according to the unique specifications and requirements of military customers.

RF systems for military applications offer high attenuation and can withstand adverse environmental conditions such as extensive UV, salt water, heat, cold, etc.

In addition to high level of protection against electromagnetic radiation, the RF protective products may be UV resistant, salt water resistant, and flame retardant.

Protection Against High Power Electromagnetic Fields

High Levels of electromagnetic fields can damage electronics contained in military equipment.

  • Low-level electromagnetic pulses (EMP) may temporarily jam electronic systems
  • More intense pulses might corrupt equipment containing electronics
  • Very powerful bursts can completely destroy electric and electronic equipment

A widespread EMP attack could compromise a military unit's ability to defend itself. Although ground troops can maintain functioning non-electronic weapons like machine guns, most of their electronic equipment would not function.

UniTech Services Group is able to offer a wide range of protective products against electromagnetic radiation, including:

  • RF Bags
  • RF Covers
  • RF Tents