RF Personnel Protection

Personnel RF Protection

The UniTech Personnel RF program includes a field and lab-proven protective garment system for industrial RF protection. Our garments represent an excellent alternative for accessing RF radiation areas which exceed safe unprotected levels.

UniTech RF garments have global acceptance by organizations worldwide including Deutsche Telekom, Swiss Teracom, BelgaCom, France Telecom, BBC, Bechtel, CBS, and AT&T.

Worker acceptance is excellent because UniTech garments feel like a regular coverall. Since they wear well and retain high protection factors over years of use, they are also economical.

Besides offering comfort and durability, UniTech garments minimize propensity to arcing, a field hazard which OSHA warns is a serious problem for traditional conductive fabrics. End-users should always verify the arcing properties of personnel protective equipment prior to use.

Instrument from Richard Tell Associates